AI is the future of case briefing for law firms

The legal industry has been transformed by the implementation of Artificial Intelligence technology. With the ability to process vast amounts of data at lightning speeds, AI can provide valuable insights that were previously impossible to obtain. One area where AI is particularly useful is in case briefs.

AI can analyze a judge’s entire history of decision-making and use that data to formulate persuasive arguments. This technology allows law firms to better understand the biases and tendencies of a particular judge and tailor their arguments accordingly. By using AI in this way, law firms can increase their chances of winning cases and save valuable time in the process.

Despite the clear benefits of AI in case briefs, many courts and administrative bodies are slow to adopt new technology. Some are still reliant on outdated methods such as fax machines and couriers. Even in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced the justice system to adapt quickly to virtual hearings, some courts and decision-makers are hesitant to embrace new technologies. This resistance is not only hindering progress but also putting these bodies at a disadvantage compared to the private sector.

AI is the future

Analyze vast amounts of data

My legal tech company, ClearwayLaw, has been using Ai for around five months now, and it’s fantastic! Private sector lawyers and law firms should also embrace the new Ai technology, and AI has become a vital tool in their work. With AI, law firms can analyze vast amounts of data, automate routine tasks, and gain insights that were previously impossible to obtain. As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that law firms and private sector lawyers will continue to lead the way in the adoption of new technology.

The legal industry has been transformed by the adoption of AI technology, and case briefs are just one area where AI can provide significant benefits. As we move towards an increasingly digital future, it is crucial that courts and administrative bodies embrace new technologies to remain competitive and provide the best possible service to their clients.

Legal analytics services are becoming increasingly popular among law firms and lawyers. These services utilize Artificial Intelligence to analyze a judge’s entire record of decisions and provide law firms with information on how to tailor their arguments to align with the judge’s preferences. While this may seem alarming, exploiting a judge’s bias has always been a part of the legal system. The difference now is the scale at which this information is aggregated.

Arguments about systemic discrimination

Specialization and familiarity with the system have always been important for lawyers. A family lawyer may know which judges are more likely to favour the father in a custody dispute, while a criminal lawyer may know which judges are more sympathetic to arguments about systemic discrimination. The legal system has always favoured those who can afford this expertise, and this knowledge is often based on anecdotal evidence.

With artificial intelligence law firms can now analyze vast amounts of data and use it to tailor their arguments to a judge’s preferences. This technology can identify patterns and tendencies that were previously impossible to obtain. By using legal analytics services, law firms can increase their chances of success and save valuable time in the process.

Arguments about systemic discrimination

Concerns about bias in the legal system

The use of AI to understand a judge may raise concerns about bias in the legal system. However, it is important to remember that judges are human and are susceptible to bias like anyone else. Legal analytics services can actually root out bias and help ensure that arguments are presented in a way that is most likely to be effective. By using technology to identify a judge’s preferences, lawyers can present their arguments in a way that is more likely to resonate with the judge and increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome.

While the use of AI in the legal system may seem concerning, it has the potential to level the playing field and increase access to justice. By using legal analytics services, law firms can better understand judges’ preferences and present their arguments in the most effective way possible. As artificial intelligence technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how it impacts the legal industry and the broader justice system.

A judge’s record of decisions

The legal system is built on precedent, with judges using prior cases to determine how to rule on a current case. However, this reliance on precedent can also entrench biases, particularly if judges are unaware of their own biases. Lawyers can now use legal analytics services, which utilize Artificial Intelligence to analyze a judge’s record of decisions and tailor their arguments accordingly.

While this technology can increase the likelihood of success in court, it can also further entrench a judge’s biases in the case law. If a judge’s words are repeated verbatim in multiple decisions, it can be difficult to challenge their biases in future cases. This is why it is essential for courts and administrative decision-makers to take legal analytics seriously and use AI to identify and confront their own biases.

AI has the capacity to review vast amounts of data, including hundreds of hours of trial recordings and tens of thousands of pages of court transcripts. By using AI-generated data to identify biases in the justice system, decision-makers can take steps to address those biases before they cause harm to those in the justice system. This is particularly important for issues like sexism and racism, which often manifest in subtle ways that are difficult to pinpoint.

AI is the future

The Canadian Judicial Council, the body charged with judicial accountability, relies primarily on individual complaints before looking at a judge’s conduct. However, AI-generated data could help bring the extent of bias in the justice system to light in a way that individual complainants could never do. By identifying biases in the justice system, decision-makers can take steps to ensure that the system is fair and just for all.

While AI technology can be used to tailor arguments to a judge’s preferences, it can also entrench biases in case law. It is essential for courts and administrative decision-makers to take legal analytics seriously and use AI to identify and confront their own biases. By doing so, they can ensure that the justice system is fair and just for all, and not just for those who can afford to exploit the system’s biases.

AI is the future of court briefs, let us know your thoughts.

Alistair Vigier is the CEO of ClearwayLaw, a website that allows the public to leave ratings and reviews for lawyers.