We spoke to people about if it’s illegal to TP a house in their province or state. Read their thoughts below!
TPing, or throwing toilet paper over a house or other property, is typically considered a prank or act of mischief. While it is not necessarily illegal in and of itself, it can be considered vandalism if it causes damage to the property.
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“In some cases, it may also be considered trespassing if the person who throws the toilet paper is on the property without permission. It is always important to respect other people’s property and to seek permission before entering or altering it in any way.”
-Min Hwan Ahn, Esq NY Attorney

TPing a house is generally considered a prank, but several laws apply to tossing toilet paper on someone’s home.
In most states, some laws prohibit trespassing on private property. When you enter someone else’s property without the owner’s permission and throw toilet paper on their house, you are trespassing on their property. The law varies from state to state, but these trespassing laws usually carry stiff penalties if they are violated.
TPing a house
In some cases, those who are caught TPing will be charged with vandalism. It’s the malicious destruction of someone else’s property. You can be charged with a misdemeanour or felony depending on how much damage was done and what your intent was—for example, if you did it as a joke or for fun, you’d likely face a lesser charge than if you did it to cause damage or harm.
So while TPing on someone else’s property might not be technically illegal everywhere, it could very well get you arrested if caught. You’ll likely get in trouble with the police and face jail time or fines. In addition to these penalties, TPing someone’s house also carries a social stigma—it can make you look like an immature child who lacks respect for others.
-Geoff Gallagher, Principal Solicitor, Save U Legal www.saveulegal.com.au/
Vandalism or trespassing
In the U.S., it is not illegal to TP a house, but depending on the circumstances, it may be considered vandalism or trespassing. If toilet papering someone’s house involves breaking, then it would most definitely be deemed illegal in all states. Even if someone has permission to enter a property they don’t own, they can still be charged with trespassing.
It’s important to note that even if no laws are broken when toilet papering someone’s house, it still may not be considered appropriate behaviour depending on the situation. For example, while it may seem harmless, toilet papering someone’s house without their consent could be seen as a form of bullying or harassment.
Do not trespass or vandalize
We always recommend that people should respect other people’s property and not trespass or vandalize someone else’s home or yard. If you’re looking to get creative with your decorations and want to share a special moment with loved ones, there are plenty of ways to do it without breaking the law.
Try doing something like decorating your home with string lights, colourful banners or signs, and festive lawn decorations. You can also plan a fun surprise for someone by setting up a special dinner on the lawn or creating an outdoor movie theatre using projection and plenty of cushions. These are all great ways to create memorable moments with your family and friends without getting into legal trouble.
Throwing toilet paper
The act of TP-ing, or throwing toilet paper, onto someone’s property is a common prank in the United States. While it is commonly seen as a harmless joke, it can be viewed as trespassing and considered illegal depending on state and local laws.
If an individual is caught TP-ing a house and charged with a crime, the police may choose to charge them with trespassing which could result in hefty fines or even jail time. It is important to consider the law before determining if TP-ing a house is appropriate since it can have drastic consequences.
TP a house
It is generally not illegal to TP a house, as it is considered a harmless prank. However, depending on the state or country, there may be specific laws or regulations that prohibit the act. For example, some states have laws against vandalism or litter, which may be applicable in the case of TPing a house.
Additionally, if the act causes damage to the property or creates a nuisance for the homeowner, the perpetrator may face legal consequences.
Therefore, it is important to consider the potential legal implications before engaging in this type of prank. In general, it is best to avoid TPing a house unless it is done with the consent of the homeowner.
Be careful with trespassing
In some cases, it may be considered a trespassing offence. In other cases, it may be considered vandalism. But speaking technically, there is no specific federal law that makes it illegal to TP a home. You could just fall into trouble because of other laws – criminal mischief, littering, or disturbing the peace are all laws that could get you in trouble for TPing a home.

It may be tempting to want to TP a house, but it is important to understand the legal implications before doing so. To begin with, it is important to note that there are both civil and criminal consequences associated with TPing a house.
In terms of civil liability, the owner of the property can sue the person who committed the act of TPing for trespass and property damage. In this case, the owner would need to prove that the person who committed the act was on their property without permission and caused some sort of damage.
No property damage can occur
In most places, it is not illegal to TP a house as long as no property damage occurs and no other criminal activity takes place. However, some jurisdictions may consider it littering – or worse, vandalism – depending on the amount of toilet paper used and the condition of the property after. If the homeowner does not give permission, then it could be considered trespass in some locations.
TP a house conclusion
TPing someone’s house is a classic juvenile prank, but it is also illegal. Depending on where you live, TPing someone’s house can be considered criminal damage to property or vandalism, which has the potential to carry hefty fines and possible jail time. It is important to note that even if the act of TPing a house is generally done as a prank, it can result in serious legal consequences if the homeowner decides to take action.
Everyone should take these laws seriously and avoid participating in such pranks as they can keep you from getting in trouble with the law.