Author: abdullah057

Marvin J. Huberman is a lawyer and investigator in Ontario. Before returning to private practice, he was a small claims judge in Toronto. He focuses on trying to keep things out of court, with mediation and arbitration.

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Things for legal gun owners in Canada haven’t been going well. Jordana Goldlist is a lawyer in Ontario. She practices criminal law in Toronto, and has a very interesting website! In this article, you can read about her thoughts on legal gun ownership, and how they can deal with stereotypes. The article was posted to r/gunpoliticscanada. Thanks for sharing!

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Are you looking for help preparing a contract for your business? Good relationships are known as the lifeline of the business. Contractual agreements are legal strips that bind the business arrangement. Contractual business relationships influence each part of the business and help prepare a strong base on which the business can grow. This agreement obliges employees, suppliers, partners, investors, and even landlords to the sentences written in agreements. In various cases, if a single mistake occurs during the contract preparation, it could harm the interest of the business. Sometimes, even a mistake like a misplaced comma or sloppy writing can…

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Throughout recent human history, lawyers have occupied a unique and important role in society as the rule of law has developed and evolved in countries around the world. They’re sometimes lionized as individuals, while also being often vilified and lampooned as a group, while their work and lives have been dramatized in books and movies and on television for decades, undoubtedly holding and occupying a special and arguably outsized place in mass popular culture. But the fictional tropes surrounding lawyers don’t tell the full and real story of the work those with law degrees are called upon to do. From…

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