The Toronto Lawyers Association is located at 361 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1T3, Canada.

You can connect with them in their Linkedin group. The organization has existed for over one hundred years! They run a massive law library for lawyers in Toronto.

We have copied and pasted a screenshot from the association’s website below. As you can see, it’s not expensive to join. It’s possible to join as a lawyer, someone going through the NCA or articling process (of the new Law Practice Program.)

But it’s cool that “Friends of the TLA” can also join. As the website says, this is mostly for lawyers who are no longer practicing, law students, or people who work in law firms. The focus is on Toronto of course.

What The Toronto Association Does

We did a deep dive on the group’s website and we can sum up the goals of the organization.

You can a private door entrance into the Toronto courthouse located at 361 University Ave (downtown)

You can get a gym-style locker at the courthouse as well (it looks nice, see below).

There is also a lounge area for lawyers who want to relax, read, and eat some food.

You can find WIFI there, and Toronto lawyers are allowed to use the space for work use. There is also library access and we believe a fridge! You can see a picture of the lounge below.

Who runs the show?

There are around 15 lawyers who run the organization. But below are a few names you might recognize:

  • Erin O’Donovan- who runs the Securities Commission in Ontario
  • Aitan Lerner- who is the VP of the association, and works for the crown prosecution unit
  • Mark Crane- who manages the money of the Lawyers Association, and is from Gowling’s
  • Anna Wong- she’s from Oxford University- and appears to be studying. It’s unclear if she is a lawyer.

If you want to find out more about the Toronto Lawyers Association, you can contact them or see their website.


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