There is a judge concerned about Canada’s “fascism.” This story talks about a G20 arrest that has been said to be a serious abuse of civil liberty.

This article was posted on Reddit by u/dropasaurus to r/canada.

The subject of civil liberty comes up frequently in Canada and the United States. There is always a trade-off between giving the public freedom to do what they want to do, and the need to protect our government and its processes.

Some countries in the world (you know which ones) are very clear that the public does not have rights, and certainly not the right to stand up to their government.

Protests and the Constitution

In other countries like the United States, one of the primary guiding principles of its culture is to allow people to do what they want. A judge in the State of Georgia once told someone “You have a constitutional right to be a dumbass.” It sounds argumentative, and it was, but it was also very true. Check out the video in the link, it’s amazing.

People have the right to buy assault rifles, set off massive fireworks, and walk around a Walmart without washing their hands or a face mask during a pandemic. And of course, many people were against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines.

And when it comes to protests, which protests are democratic and which are a form of disruption and/or terrorism? Protests are common in Canada, and most of the time the police show up to keep the peace. Often there are counter-protesters across the street.

But when the Freedom Convoy of 2021 showed up in Ottawa, Canada, the federal government decided the protest was illegal and arrested many. During Canada Day 2022, many other protestors were arrested in Ottawa. This led to groups of people on social media calling Justin Trudeau a tyrant.

G20 arrest abuse and democratic rights

The G20 conference often attracts lots of protestors. The reason for this is simple, a lot of powerful people will be attending. For those that don’t know, the G20 includes some of the following countries.

Many of the NATO countries: Canada, UK, United States, Turkey, Germany, the EU, and France

Some of the Eastern country alliances: Russia, China

And other neutral countries: Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, and South Korea.

This is not a complete list of countries in the G20.

If there was G20 arrest abuse remains a contentious topic.

Learn more about the law in Canada.


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